1Corinthians 13:13 + John 3:16
For God so LOVED that He GAVE!!!
It is on this premise that we have the Christmas Holiday.
It is not about celebrating a “birthday”.
It is about celebrating the greatest “gift”.
Jesus was not BORN to us.
Jesus was GIFTED to us!
We have to understand as believers that it is more important how we relate to other people than it is how we manage self. Relating to others is a “two-fer” bargain because for us is relate to other people effectively we MUST have our own stuff together. God must be the fuel within the engine of our heart and soul. We must value others positively as we value self! If we don’t love our selves then how can we love someone else. There is no way that we can enliven our brother or sister if we are suicidal ourselves. Of the three vital resources for the believer, faith and hope both dwell within the individual. Either you have them or not. Paul makes it clear that they both abide and serve to undergird the strength and effectiveness of the person when doing the work of God. However, Paul gives special credence to the Love or charity. This resource is manifested in how you engage or interact with another…especially God. Love guarantees faith and manifests hope. Love requires faith and leverages hope. Love consummates faith and realizes hope.
Father, help me to have, give and develop Love in all that I think, say and do! Loving You and loving my sister and brother!