Amidst all of the miracles and amazing things that were done by Jesus, amidst all that God had governed and judged over the generations before Jesus, amidst all that the Holy Spirit has empowered and enliven since Jesus, let us not forget the greatest miracle ever done…Jesus’ resurrection! Jesus’ resurrection is the greatest miracle because it did something that no other miracle, action or edict could do.
Jesus’ resurrection empowered ME to “get up” just like Jesus did!!!
The book of Proverbs speaks of the truth that a just man falls seven times and gets up. So, being just or being a believer does not make you exempt from trouble, but instead it makes you more susceptible because of the challenge to my flesh. When I overcome I grow, and when I succumb I weaken!
I thank God that He has given me the privilege to be forgiven, cleansed AND delivered.
God has ordained for me to be able to GET UP when I fall..to live when I have died…to go when I have stopped. I truly thank God for HE could have just left me on the ground. But instead He allowed me to get up from my grave to deal with life and living for one more day!