It Is My Issue
This scripture presents the proverbial straw for many believers. Think about it… We are supposed to obey the law. We are supposed to love and pray for our enemies. We are supposed to deny our flesh and its constant temptation and torment. We are supposed to be in a right relationship with God. All this is rough enough to balance and maintain. Then God comes back with the request that we GIVE UP those things that we can have when around a brother or sister who is offended by them! That is not fair. Why is it that the believer must be inconvenienced when the brother or sister has an issue with something that maybe they should even have an issue with.
Yes, we are supposed to be considerate of those who are not necessarily considerate of us.
WHAT?!? I can’t enjoy my steak just because SOMEBODY ELSE has chosen to be a vegan??? Remember two things. Firstly, relationship with God and man are BOTH important to God. Secondly, we want to show unity between us and our brother or sister when presented to the rest of the world. If we don’t, it makes the Word of God void, and it is our testimony that renders it void!!!!