Seeing God
Do right and don’t do wrong. Hang around people that do right, and you are less likely to do wrong. All of these principles are pretty self-evident to the churchy person…and even a lot of the unchurched. It is all about whether you want to follow them or not! That is the issue! However, a more subtle but powerful principle that is planted in this scripture is the statement that “he that doeth evil hath not seen God”. Wow!!!
Seeing God is a powerful experience that WILL NOT and can not leave an individual the same as before it happens.
Moses came down from Mt. Sinai from seeing God and the people could see a glow about him. It is not just a biblical phenomenon. It also holds true today. After you have seen God, you will not talk the same or walk the same. After you have seen God, you won’t think the same way or love the same way. After you have seen God, your wants are different and your hopes are different. After you have seen God, it is not about you, but it is about God and your fellow man or woman.