Black Theology
I was so happy to have gotten mature enough to know that rich does not just mean money! It is at this point that the scripture in Luke becomes most real and most applicable to our life as a whole! Luke 6:24 just makes it plain and simple that empathy goes out to those who are “rich” or have in abundance because they have already received their consolation or emotional satisfaction because their need has already been provided.
God gives attention to those who are LOST, WITHOUT, BROKEN, CONTRITE, TIRED, OPPRESSED, etc.
If you consider yourself as “rich”, then you would not submit yourself in one of the states mentioned above. God is a God of the Oppressed! Jesus came to seek and to save those who were LOST and not those who are found and/or rich. If you want God to step up in your situation, then you have to identify with one who is without!!! For God…No Glory No God! Yep, He is. God is a jealous God and wants all the attention and glory! In relationship with God it is not about you but about Him!!!!! So if you consider yourself and HAVE and not a HAVE NOT, then you are in trouble cause God is NOT gonna jump for ya! God will see but God will not do…why…cause you already have your consolation!!!! Not good!