Hang In There!!!
The children of God are commissioned and committed to suffer at the hand and mouth of the agents of the enemy whom we shall deem as people of the world. It is unfortunate for us but at the same time is necessary from God’s perspective.
The Bible teaches us that suffering is how we are both purged and cleansed…sanctification and catharsis.
The children of God are all the better for it. We are left stronger, more mature and more durable as servants of the Most High God, Jehovah! It doesn’t stop there though! In our scripture in Exodus we find the people of Israel who were suffering in there captivity to the Egyptians…but they MULTIPLIED. The more they were oppressed the more they multiplied. In the midst of their greatest suffering, they experienced their greatest growth. This is not just specific to the Israelites. Whenever God has chosen you, it is within your greatest suffering that you will experience your greatest growth. So, don’t shy away from suffering. Don’t be scared to go through some things. It is through these trials and tribulations that you are blessed and prospered.