Go To Church
I must admit that I have missed the mark for most of my life! I have misread this scripture and left myself open to falling short of its true intentions. Because of how the institutional church has intermingled the God-ordained and Man-driven intentions and desires, it has left me and I would think many others interpreting this commandment to pertain to church attendance. This then leaves the remainder of the day up to our own choice. The christian community puts such a high, critical requirement on attending church that it has sucked the severity out of the other 22 hours of the day. This commandment requires that we keep the DAY holy and not by seasoning it with an hour or two of church worship!
What do we do to be as holy in our homes as we were during church service?
What do we do to unction the Holy Spirit into our lives and living as much as we proclaim to do so during the worship period? Sports, food, sleep, movies, socializing, projects, cleaning, shopping…are these being doing “in the name of Jesus”? NOT!