It’s All In His Name
There is power in the name of the Lord, Jesus! There is power in the name of Jehovah! This power is one that evokes a respect and an awe. Because of this, the name should never be used without purpose and appropriate context; otherwise, it would be used in vain as the scripture denotes! I used to think that this was just about cursing meaning times when you would use the name “God” or “Jesus” in an exclamation that was definitely not for the edification of another. But, this also refers to calling the name of God without the employing or seeking the power thereof. Oh have incriminating that realization becomes at this point. It is a basic sin to call on God but not really wanting Him to do all the He can do. Our sin is how through vanity and carnal desires we want God to do what we want Him to more and no less.
Either let God be God or leave Him alone! Otherwise, we are just distancing ourselves from the saving/delivering power that He pours and leaving ourselves in more a a wretched state than what were were before we opened our mouths.