It’s In There…Just Stir It UP!!!
Paul gave the most edifying and effective advice to Timothy in this scripture. Remember to STIR UP the gift of God! The gift of God in our lives is a priceless commodity and jewel that both illuminates and regenerates the child of God. There is no other way to get this Gift but through Jesus, the Christ.
Consequently, once you have truly gotten this gift, there is nothing and no one that can take it away.
When Paul was talking to Timothy who was struggling dealing with the older members of the church who questioned his youth and leadership, Paul told Timothy to STIR UP what was in him! Amen!!!! Just STIR UP what God had already instilled within him through his mother and grandmother. Just STIR UP what the prayers of the elders has laid upon him as he was ordained into the gospel ministry. It’s in him!!!!!! Jsut gotten STIR IT UP! When you STIR IT UP, you can sense what is in side. When you STIR IT UP, you can feel what is on the inside. When you STIR IT UP, you can see what is inside. A lot of times when we think that we are “empty”, “unarmed” or “weak”, we just need to be STIRRED UP so that what God has already done can overflow in our lives toward our victory.