My God Did It
I know and praise God for WHO I am and also for WHOSE I AM! God owns me. God is the one who has paid the ultimate price by giving up His son as the ultimate sacrifice. That was the price paid that we could not pay ourselves. There were many THINGS offered up. There were many lives offered up too but they were animals. The only way to step up the sacrifice to God was to offer the blood of a pure human. Everything else had been done. Sounds so gory but it is.
Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for God which gave us a right to live in relationship with God.
But then came the resurrection of Jesus which gave us the ability to GET UP after death and live with God FOREVER…Just like Jesus did. Since He did this for us and to this degree, we outta, gotta and should give God ALLLLLLLL!!! We should be giving God ALL in respect of both our body AND our spirit! This means that all of our lives should be seasoned with our appreciation for what God has done for us and with us!