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Yes, there are times when God will serve His children up to Satan! Don’t be fooled, He will do it! However there are two things that have to be in place in order for us to be served up to Satan…being Perfect and being Upright. If you are both perfect and upright, then God will serve you up to Satan. You must be perfect in the context of your relationship with God. No relationship is easy. All relationships take work. You must allow yourself to be vulnerable, and you must allow yourself to be fallible. However, the relationship is anchored in consistency and commitment. Being in it to win it makes the relationship successful, and “perfect”. We must be that way with God in spite of our own shortcomings or sin. Then you must also be upright in your walk, or how you live.
Perfection is in the MOMENT but uprightness is in the MOMENTUM.
Perfection is what you live but Uprightness is HOW you live. So with both PERFCTION and UPRIGHTNESS, God will serve you up to Satan, and He does so to both get glory for Himself and foster growth for His creation. It’s a good thing! If you are not perfect and upright, then God doesn’t serve you up to Satan…only because you are serving YOURSELF up to Satan in that scenario 😉