Don’t Wait!
The “Johnnie Come Lately” is not just a literary concept to substantiate a fictitious character. This is reality. There are folks who just appear late in a process and act like they have been there the whole time. They do this by speaking and actiing as if they have the same authority as those who started or began in the process. Those who come “late in the game” have to give those who started the game or were there in the beginning RESPECT. This makes so much sense among people. Do we apply this to God? Do we actually step up to God like we have some clout in the situation?
Do we ever speak to God with an expectancy that is devoid of receptiveness to the leadership and guidance of God’s presence in our lives? Yes we do.
We cloak this with coming boldly to the throne of grace. We cloak this with pressing our way through our situations. We cloak this with being obedient to what God told us BEFORE. We need to take off the cloak, acknowledge who is truly sovereign in and over our lives and do what God tells us to do. Greatest of all…don’t roll up to God trying to act like He has not done what He is supposed to do.