We Need Rest
I am so guilty of not getting the proper rest. I have been that way for a while…at least since before my daughters were born. Growing up on a farm leads you to get up early. If we did not get up early then we were quietly seen as lazy and were openly shown to not accomplish as much as those who do get up. So, in that, I got up and got used to doing so. When the sun was up, I was up. Then this was coupled with the impact of family. When I had children, my love and concern for then was to the point that I would not go to sleep unless they were asleep. I did not want to miss anything. I wanted to always be available to protec them. I wanted also to have a couple of moments rest after they were asleep. So all in all I was left with the schedule of getting up early and going to be late….all as a regular routine. Six hours of sleep became and is my norm even though I know that I should be getting 8-10 hours of rest per night. Genesis taught me that even God rested. He rested on the 7th day, and then He called the rest…GOOD.
God has given the ability, the example and the approval to rest,
but I don’t take advantage of this and am not obedient to it. We need to REST!