God’s Country
I am a country boy and am proud of it. I have both an inherent and learned appreciation for nature and the sovereignty of God in His natural creations. But, it does not does not take having worked a mule adn plow to know that God speaks through nature. Although some spiritual and cultural traditions declare nature to be a person or entity in and of “herself”, God is the creator of all natural elements and displays His signature on the very presence and prominence of nature itself! I love the feeling of connectivity when I rub fertile dirt in my hands. I am encouraged when I see the sun rise in the morning and light up the entire firmament. I am comforted to see the leaves rustle at the movement of the wind. I am awestruck to see the sun set over the horizon and spew colors across the sky. I am warmed at heart to see the play of little puppy or the scurrying of a squirrel.
It is amazing that God gives mankind the opportunity to praise Him but even if in our free will we don’t…His creation gives Him praise and glory consistently every day.
Even when we are not being a perfect reflection of his goodness, the heavens and earth reflect who and how God is to the most perfect degree! Amen!