Dealing With Folk
Having a relationship with God is tough enough. The last thing that you need is to have to maintain or establish or reconcile a relationship with people. Having a good report with people is tough enough The last thing that you need is to have to live up to their expectations also. It is tough. However, God’s work sets our priorities properly. David tells us that we have sinned against God and God only! Our covenant is with God. Our slavation is in God. Our righteousness is established in God. so our accountability is to God and to no other. We need for God to “take the stain of guilt away and own me as Thy child”. It is only this way that we can find peace and anchor our life and living. But let us not get too comfortable.
The same scripture that tells us that we don’t have to own up to other people also tells us that we have to accept the consequences of our own transgressions. WWWWHHHAAATTTTT????
You mean that believing in jesus, the Christ, does not absolve you from the consequences your wrongdoings. Nope! We are forgiven but not forgotten? We can get out but not get off? For ourselves, yes! But by grace and through faith, we realize eternal life is in the mercy of God and beyond His judgment! Amen!!!