The Master Plan
God had a plan. Even before we were created, God had a plan. Even before there was a clarity as to what the actual problem with mankind was to be, God had a plan.
My granddaddy always said that a man needs to have a plan. God had a divine plan that was a perfect and a perfecting plan.
In this scripture we get the summary of God’s plan for mankind. The problem is that man was not perfect. Sin contaminated the existence of mankind to the degree that in and of himself man could not go into the presence of God. So what God did was to ordain even before we needed the adoption of mankind to the family of God through the divine sacrifice of Jesus, the Christ. God knew that we would mess up our perfect Eden experience so He place His Son as a ransom to gain back the prodigal children of mankind through Grace and Mercy. With this action, mankind had a way to get into the presence of God and find favor with Him through Faith. Why did God do it? This is the most incredible part of the plan. God did it because He loved us! God loves His sinful creation just that much!