Stealing is Wrong!!!
Stealing is wrong. Don’t take it if it is not yours. What if I want it really badly and will do anything to have it? Stealing is wrong. What if my “neighbor” really doesn’t want or appreciate what they have and I am willing to give it the esteem and value that it is worth? Stealing is wrong. What if I had given it to my neighbor in the first place so it is like getting/taking back what was originally mine anyway? Stealing is wrong. What if my neighbor really didn’t deserve it anyway. They are not worthy to own it…and I am. Stealing is wrong. What is my neighbor doesn’t try to take care of it or keep it from getting stolen? It is like they want someone to take it! Stealing is STILL wrong!!! Stealing realizes a problem with trust: a child not trusting that their parent will provide, an adult not trusting that God will provide or an individual not trusting that they have the ability to achieve or obtain on their own and want a shortcut! The flesh AND the world will always present other options when we operate without trust!