John 3:16 is probably the most recognizable and memorized verses in the Bible…at least I know where I grew up. Whether it was Sunday School, Vacation Bible School or Youth Camp, we always had to have this verse memorized to prove that you were a “church member”. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized the true power of John 3:16. It wasn’t just an introduction to Jesus. It is also an introduction to ourselves and God. I love how it says that God SO LOVED.
1John tells us of the fact that GOD IS LOVE.
He is not just one who loves…HE IS LOVE. God is the embodiment of love, Himself, and therefore manaifests love in His every action and word. Then John 3:16 comes along to give us the extent of His being love. God SO LOVED the world that He did the unfathomable…HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON! I could have never done that, especially for a world that does not truly serve or praise me. But it was not that way with God. God did it for the world! God did it for WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM. No matter how wretched I may be, JUST BELIEVE! Then the reward for us is not death but eternal life. God’s Love is just that powerful! As we say back in the country in TN, “Ain’t God GOOD!”