I Who Have Nothing
The old R&B song coined the phrase, “I Who Have Nothing”. It is an all encompassing statement in that it declares my existence but acknowledges that I have nothing and need nothing to exist.
Having nothing is often declared as a pitiful, suffering state that people want to get out of. However, for the believer, it is a powerful and opportunistic state to be in relative to our relationship with God.
The believer must first identify with having nothing so that they can be open and sensitive enough to truly recieve what God has to offer their life. Even though you may have a job and make good money, you have nothing because it is all what God has blessed you to have and use for His glory. Even though you have friends and family, you have nothing because we are all God’s children and our stewardship is as undershepherd to others where God has ultimate sovereignty and authority. So, with this understanding and perspective, don’t get distracted!!!
Don’t let the things of the past drive your present.
Allow vision to lead you in the paths of righteousness as ordained by God. I ain’t all that but my God is!!!!