Falling For Self
It gets on our last nerve to have to deal with someone who is stuck on themselves. The frustration comes from the feeling that they only care about, value, understand, will hear, will see or will give to THEMSELVES and other people are not on their list to support or hear or provide. I don’t want to hear anymore about your impnding success. I don’t want to hear about what you did before. I don’t want to hear about the friends you have, places you’ve been or money you made. I don’t want to deal with your problems when I have problems of my own. The bible does give some consolation though. Whenever we have to hear or see the prideful or haughty, we can know that they will inevitably be cut down. They will fall. The problem with being prideful is that you are putting your self on a level that you will not be able to maintain.
Be better and don’t just sound and look better.
Let us not put ourselves on the path to destruction and falling by giving in to the pride that the flesh germinates. We must hold on to the blood stained banner. We must hold on to the truth of WHO we are and WHOSE we are. We must hold on to the reality of the wonderfully and marvelously beings that we are. Humility is KEY!!!!!