Make Your Choice
I hate it that people in our society actually believe that you can balance a life between the lust of the flesh and the Kingdom of God. They think that you can serve God and man.
They think that you can do what ever you want to do as long as you “season” it with something that either IS good or SEEMS good. It doesn’t work!
Now there are some elements that do benefit from this. The conscience does benefit because in the moment it feels that it is doing pretty well or at least not doing as poorly as others or our selves in the past. The mind benefits because at least we are doing something that we know that we are supposed to be doing and are not totally abandoning our known agenda. Other people benefit because they are not made uncomfortable by our choosing the right road. They can be around us and be “human”. Understanding all of this potential for evil in our minds, we must understand that if we are considered evil or wicked then we will NOT seek after God. We won’t even be thinking about God. We will be so consumed in self, things and the ways of the world that we will no think about the goodness of God and all that He has done for us!