The Lord Is My Shepherd
No frills. No thrills. No cute words. No fancy presentations. David gives the long and short of his situation in this one short verse of Psalms 23:1. There are two components of his declaration. First, God is David’s Shepherd! The one who leads David. The one who guides David. The one who corrects David. The one who watches over David. This is God. David unequivocally declares that THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. So, the converse makes it very clear that David is a sheep in the God’s flock!!!
The sheep knows its Shepherd. The creation knows its Creator. The child knows its Parent.
Then David has to follow up this declaration with its second part which is flows from the first. Given that THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, then David can’t help but to know that I SHALL NOT WANT. Hallelujah! To God be the Glory! David is not saying that he wants for nothing because he is David. David is saying this because GOD IS GOD. David knew that with God as his Shepherd then he would not have to worry about anything. My Father is rich in houses and land. He holds the wealth of the world in the palm of His hands!!!!!!