Is It All A Lie?
Always INJEST, DIGEST and EXPRESS Truth!!!!!! In God it is very simple…LIVE IN AND BY TRUTH! As simple as that is to say and to preach and to teach, it is the most difficult thing to live. First of all, we start our lives with so many lies. There are the lies that we TELL being fallible human beings who have agendas and use lies as resources to get what we want. Then there are the lies that we THINK because we will use our minds to conceive a reality that we cannot or are afraid to create. Then there are the lies that we HEAR that connect us to people and concepts that are detrimental to our lives and living. Lastly there are the lies that we LIVE when we are trying to do, be, present and be identified with…WHAT IS NOT US. In summary we tell a lie to be told a lie! That is the truth!
The greatest lesson learned thus far in my maturation process has been that the only way to get truth is by LIVING TRUTH.
If you live truth, it will cultivate and draw truth in your life! If you don’t live truth, although you may be able to season things with truth, the core aroma or taste of your situation will be a LIE. Then lastly, I wanted to say that we should give TRUTH not based on what others give you….but based on what God HAS GIVEN to you…His Son, Jesus, the Christ!!!