Sometimes I Wanna FIGHT!
Probably one of the most debated perceptions of the Christian is that they serve and walk in Peace. The world and other Christians even have the misunderstanding that we are not supposed to ever be involved or promulgating aggression or violence.
Yeah right!
We are believers often get caught up or walk into situations that cause us to want to act or react with aggression or violence. God is a God of peace but know that we are creations who can be made to be upset or angry. But the question is what we do with that anger. Jesus instructed his disciples to be angry but to sin not. There is room for some anger in God but how much is too much and then where does the “sin” begin. Vengeance is where God draws the line. To REACT with an action that brings harm or danger to another individual is not tolerated. God says that when it is warranted HE would do the avenging. I thank God for that. Our enacting vengeance can cause problems that we don’t intend to cause. Also, we must keep our sanctified hands clean. There is never an excuse of doing to someone else that we would not want done to ourselves.