Gifts Of God
We have gifts given to us by God in our creation and development as His children. We ALL have gifts. No one has been left out. The difference is in accordance to the grace that has been imparted to us. What does not mean? We have all been given gifts, but we differ in the realization and application of the gift(s) that we have. We have all seen the situation of someone who has a unique gifting that they either do not realize or have not been using to its fullest. What a shame! The ultimate truth is that regardless of what we do with it God has done His part by giving us the gift. I also love that God has shielded the gift so that no one can take it away from us. What is mine is mine, and I am the only one who can either use it or lose it.
The gift(s) of God are for a purpose that only God ordains.
So, we must allow our purpose and promise to come together to yield a product…through our gifting. We are not only the building but also the builder with the power and presence of God as our fuel. Thank You, Father, for being the one who has equipped and unctioned me to be an effective and reflective child of YOU!!!