As a believer there are times when we just don’t feel like the ‘king’s Kids” that we are. It could be because of something has happened. It could be because of a feeling of depression or inadequacy. It could be because we have not totally accepted God and the grace that His love offers. There are many reasons for it happening, but we need to greatest of all realize why it is not true before getting caught up in why it has happened. Regardless of what your flesh may be telling you, there are two voices that should be speaking into your life much louder and more prominently than the flesh. These voices are the Holy Spirit and your spirit. When we have submitted and subjected our life to God, the two key changes to us are the indwelling of God through His Holy Spirt and the changing of our own spirit because of the influence of God’s Spirit on what and how we do. Both of these entities speak on our behalf when the flesh brings up confusion! God’s Holy Spirit speaks up to say that we have been REDEEMED. The world cannot have us any more! Then our own spirit speaks up to give the testimony of our conversion and change! I once was lost but NOW I am found!!!