Suffering With Him
Being a child of God is not a metaphor or an expression of intent. Being a child of God is a metaphysical reality that we can both explain and live. Romans 8:17 explains that we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. We are connected to God through His Son, Jesus, the Christ, by our divine adoption. Both we and Jesus get a reward for our stedfastness and faith. The ones who are trusting in self more than faith are destined to fall by the wayside.
However, the ones that are living by faith more than self will prosper, but the qualification for our being full members of the Kingdom/Family of God is that we “suffer with Him”.
This is the problem that we encounter because the same bible documents how Jesus is telling us that the sufferings that come to us are really toward Him, Jesus. Evil wants to destroy the Word of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, living in US. What does this mean? IT AIN’T FAIR. We are being accosted because of what Jesus did! However, the value of being in the Family is far greater than that of being outside of the Family. I choose being His Child!