With and Without God
We as God’s creation must learn to manage out expectations of this world and our lives. We are guilty of holding God responsible for the troubles of life and living and then having even more frustration at our feeling that it is never going to end. That is hilarious to me. How can we even expect those things when the story documented in the bible leaves us in a situation of doom and gloom…without God. Without God…we can know for a fact that this world will end. Without God…there is a lake of fire that awaits our current life and living. Without God…there is no hope and no faith!
So this is a tough, doom and gloom life WITHOUT GOD.
However, know that this does not mean that WITH God it is an different. What changes with God is our EXPERIENCING of life and living! With God…we must face inevitable death but it is not the end for us. With God…God will reveal a new Heaven and a new earth made to be the Paradise for His children. With God…we have HOPE and we have FAITH. We are not defined by or destined to our current struggles and sufferings. But know that it is not just you. “For the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now”. From Eden to now….and until we look up to see Jesus to deliver us home!