2Timothy 1:5

I Want FAITH Paul gave Timothy a grand compliment here that I aspire to always present in my life and living…unfeigned faith!  Timothy’s faith was REAL and was not fake. 

2Timothy 1:7

I Ain’t Scared!   Sometimes I get scared.  I get scared of failing.  I get scared of succeeding.   I get scared of dying.  I get scared of living.  I get

2Timothy 1:6

It’s In There…Just Stir It UP!!!   Paul gave the most edifying and effective advice to Timothy in this scripture.  Remember to STIR UP the gift of God!  The gift

It’s In You

Text: 2Timothy 1:6-7: 6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. 7
