Romans 7:6

Old to New The concepts of old and new plague the life of the Christian in that there is a toggling or wavering between the two when there actually should

Romans 7:25

Don’t Give Up Romans 7:25 is a testimony of the struggle that every human being goes through when they come to the realization and/or acceptance of the Word of God

Romans 7:19

I’ve Fallen But I CAN Get Up Grandmama always said “When you know better then you should do better!”  That Tennessean idiom has haunted me throughout my life because, honestly,

I Did Not Mean To

Text: Deuteronomy 19:1-10: 1 When the LORD thy God hath cut off the nations, whose land the LORD thy God giveth thee, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their

Where’s Your Head

Text: Romans 7:14-25: 14   For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15   For that which I do I allow not: for what
