Sexual Orientation or Sexual Activity
Homosexuality is a sensitive topic in our society that began as a very objective deviance and is now a subjective choice. The conversations swirl around the natural origin to the societal embracing and then from being born with it to being driven to it. The Word of God is the only place that gives us a clear answer.
The Bible says in this scripture that it is wrong and even go as far as to say that it is an abomination.
In other words, it should not be done and God does not like it when it is done. There are no circumstantial approvals or justifications for it. It is always wrong. As strong as this may be to say, we must remember that it is always a SIN. That is the context that must keep homosexuality confined within our perceptions and applications.
So when it all comes down to it, we must “love the sinner and hate the sin”.
That is the global assessment of homosexuality as we must apply it to our lives and how we relate to others. It is no different that adultery or stealing. We must love those who may be bound by its desire and activity. Love the person enough to get beyond their sin, and hate the sin enough to not be distracted by who it is doing it!!!!! …but don’t mix them together and lose or embrace BOTH!!! Why?