Psalm 51:1

Call Him The old folks in church always referred to the task of “calling up on the name of the Lord”, and I really did not know what they were talking

Psalm 46:1

Right Now God When I was growing up in the Baptist church we used to hear the old idiom that God is a “Right Now God”.  PReachers used to get

Psalm 37:25

I AM Too Proud To Beg Begging folk are just irritating.  People begging for money.  People begging for food.  People begging for attention.  People begging for validation.   People begging for

Psalm 37:23-24

I Ain’t Worried About You! Before I joined the church as a child, my relationship with God was very personal and private.  I did not feel the pressure or unction

Psalm 37:1

Don’t Look To believe in God is to see and witness the prosperity of those who do not believe in God.  Right now, we have to see the guilty walk

Matthew 5:3

Poor In Spirit   The most troubling position to be in is when you are poor in spirit.  I make that assertion because when you are poor in spirit you

Proverbs 13:7

Living a Lie I was talking with my daughter, Jasmine, and we were commiserating over the hurt, disappointment, frustration and downright ignorance that arises when dealing with people who go

Proverbs 12:4

Men Must Choose Wisely The woman can make or break the man!  It does not speak to the man’s strength or ability.  It is simple.  The woman gets into the

Proverbs 18:22

Finding A Wife I tried finding a wife and I found a little girl.  She was an aspiring adult that had not embraced the reality of living without the care

Proverbs 3:11

Breaking and Making I remember when I was growing up we used to hear the following things in reference to our getting a spanking or whooping, “This is gonna hurt

Psalm 150:6

Expectation & Requirement When you go to church there are always requirements and expectations.  You are required to dress a certain way.  You are required to be cordial and not

Psalm 27:14

I Can’t Wait! It is so hard to wait.  The bible says that patience is a virtue, but I believe that it is an unattainable aspiration.  Patience sounds good, looks

Psalm 119:11

So I MIGHT Not In life there are no guarantees.  This simple truth has been told, preached, sang and written.  It pours into the life of the believer also when

Psalm 23:5

The Table Is Prepared Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over The 5th verse of

Genesis 1:31

God don’t make no JUNK!!  The Bible clearly documents God’s assessment of what He had created in that it was “GOOD”.  Light and darkness…good.  Water and the sea…good.  birda, animals

Joshua 1:2

Just Do It! There comes a time in the life of a believer when there are no more discussions…no more questions…no more guesses…no more hints. It is time to do

Jeremiah 3:15

Effective Not Perfect So often you hear the statement that Pastors are JUST human.  They are human but they are not just human.  First of all this is often stated

Jeremiah 1:19

Divine Confidence Confidence is key to the Kingdom of God experience for the believer.  Without confidence the believer is weak and cannot establish any “sure footing” in their walk. There

Jeremiah 1:10

No excuses!  I am so tired of hearing and using and giving excuses.  We, the belieers in Jesus, the Christ, have the greatest authority, power and ability.  We, the believers

Jeremiah 1:5

He Knew! I was KNOWN, SANcTifieD and ORDAINED before I was even BORN!  Wow!  People can be cruel and very downcasting with their doubting and their comments and their suppositions. 

Job 38:4

Don’t Wait! The “Johnnie Come Lately” is not just a literary concept to substantiate a fictitious character.  This is reality.  There are folks who just appear late in a process

Job 38:3

GROW UP! I love how we as the creation are understood by our Creator!  After I was saved, and I must make sure that we are clear that this is

Job 38:2

Should I Listen? Who are you to try to tell me anything when YOU don’t know?  Why am I letting you get me down when you are no authority in

Job 5:17

Here I Am When we preach and testify of the goodness, kindness, mercy, love and power of God, we must embrace also the authority that God has to correct and

Job 3:3

Wanting To Give Up! It does not matteer how strong you are or how holy you have become.  There will always be a day, time, situation or predicament that will

Job 2:4

How Folk ARE! We may try to act and talk tough at times, but Satan was right when he said, “Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will

Job 2:1

Satan Is Consistent! It doesn’t matter whether you are a saint or a sinner, a Christian or a muslim, a man or a woman, oriental or oxidental.  No matter what

Job 1:20-21

I’m Gonna Make It! It is in the worst times of our lives that we find out who we truly are.  It is in the toughest imes of our lives

Job 1:8

Press On! Yes, there are times when God will serve His children up to Satan!  Don’t be fooled, He will do it! However there are two things that have to

Acts 28:30-31

It Ain’t Over! The end is usually not the beginning!  With Paul, what we always here about is his glorious ministry traveling around the areas of Italy, Greece and Asia

Acts 27:22

Sacrifice and Suffering There is an essential but troubling reality that is typically the context of the believer’s promise and testimony.  We usually hear and tell only the good stuff,

Acts 22:7

The Divine Knockout! The testimony of Paul is a profound experience that we all should draw from to understand how God gets His servant on the right side!   First, Paul

Acts 20:7

Sunday Christians There have always been debates as to the origin and validity of Sunday being the day that Christians come together to workship God.  The Jewish day of worship

Jude 1:24-25

The Benediction This traditional benediction scripture serves as the conclusion to a chapter and book that keeps it real about who we are..sinners saved by God’s grace.  The scripture lifts

Psalm 24:7

Look Up When the Lord of Lords is governing your life, when the Gift of Glory is the key to your life and living and when the King of Kings

Psalm 23:5

Just Get Into The Storm What is always a baffling trait of the servant of God is that we flourish WITHIN the situations that are intended to take us down. 

Psalm 23:6

Favor From God!!! Favor ain’t fair!  That is a saying that became popular in the contemporary church around the early 2000s.  It is so true!  We as believers say it

Psalm 23:4

Overcoming FEAR Fear is an intimidating force that, when allowed, grips the individual and cripples them to lose all semblance of power and stability.  If you are a strong person,

Psalm 23:3

God Our ROCK!!!! People are funny.  They can claim that they want you to succeed but will show doubt in their seemingly awaiting your failure.  People will tell you that

Psalm 23:2

It’s Better Now When I gave God my life and then gave God my hand to lead and guide me, the quality of my life increased drastically!  I would have

Psalm 23:1

What Do You Want? All my life I have dealt with needing or wanting something.  Some may say that this is just a characteristic of the life of a human

Psalm 18:49

Go Get ‘Em When I see people who are so bold in their belief and faith to tell other people, I am impressed.  When I see the Jehovah’s Witnesses going

Psalm 19:1

God’s Country I am a country boy and am proud of it.  I have both an inherent and learned appreciation for nature and the sovereignty of God in His natural

Psalm 14:1

We Can Be Greater! In my life I have met many different types of people.  There have been people who differ from me by their looks, speech, personality, culture, socioeconomic

Psalm 10:4

Make Your Choice I hate it that people in our society actually believe that you can balance a life between the lust of the flesh and the Kingdom of God.

Psalm 9:1

Just Enough Relationships are often plagued with the concept of “just enough”.  What that means is that either or one of the parties are employing the mindset of doing “just

Psalm 8:9

I Got Help! Life pushes the individual through and to situations that a lot of times are far outside of the individual’s choice or recognition…but we do it.  We must

Psalm 8:4-5

Why Bother Why did God even bother with mankind?  So many times I have wondered about this fundamental question that directly impacts even my existence.  I am not afraid to

Psalm 7:10

God’s Got My Back! God’s got my back, and that is what gives me all of the comfort and confidence that I need!!!!!  First of all, I have earned the

Psalm 6:2

Imperfection The strongest person has weaknesses.  The smartest person doesn’t know everything.  The wisest person makes mistakes.  The funniest person gets depressed sometimes.  The happiest person cries sometimes.  The prettiest

Psalm 5:3

In The Morning… Being a morning person is defined as being one who prefers to accomplish things or do things in the morning.  I am definitely a morning person.  The

Psalm 2:11

Reverential Fear Soren Kierkegaard was a Russian philosopher who coined the phrase “fear and trembling”.  The context of his explication is when the creation is in the presence of its

Psalm 1:6

Know Who And Whose You Are God’s grace is amazing!  It is just incredible that God can take imperfect beings and perfect their steps in Him!  Honestly, I don’t care

Psalm 1:3

Requirements There are explicit expectations for being a man who is “in Christ” or “serving God”.  First of all or the leading factor is that he is steadfast, unmoveable and

Psalm 1:2

I ENJOY… “I love the Lord.  He heard my cry and pitied my every groan.  Long as I live and trouble rise, I’ll hasten to His throne.”  I enjoy God.

Psalm 1:1

The Man It is very interesting in the grand scheme of things how a man is more defined by what he doesn’t do that what he does.  God has created

Psalm 1:1

What Is A Man? It is very interesting in the grand scheme of things how a man is more defined by what he doesn’t do that what he does.  God

Exodus 3:14

God is a Spirit.  The Gospel According to Saint John makes that clear to us.  However, in my life and the development of my relationship with God, I see a

Genesis 11:4

I Don’t Got It It is amazing how the creation of God can convince itself that it can be God Himself.   God has created the world and the resources in

Genesis 3:15

Separation When I got myself connected or involved in something or someone that was not edifying to my life, God has always stepped in to help…of course after I asked

Genesis 3:9

Where Art Thou? As much as I may cry out for God to hear me, see me, know me and care for me, I also have just as much or

Genesis 3:4-5

Do You Hear Voices? It is amazing how many voices the believer has to deal with.  There is the voice of God that calls the creation to the Creator.  There

Genesis 2:23

My Rib In a Wiz Kalifa song it was coined that he had met “the female version of me” which told him that she was to be his “girl”. Adam

2Corinthians 7:1

I’m Not Perfect We aren’t perfect, but we are supposed to have a desire to be perfect in and for God.  That makes no sense whatsoever in the flesh because

Genesis 2:3

We Need Rest I am so guilty of not getting the proper rest.  I have been that way for a while…at least since before my daughters were born.  Growing up

1Timothy 4:12

Don’t Disrespect the Gifting of the Youth   I so thank God for the Apostle Paul!  He was so thorough, so real and so caring in his writing the letters/epistles

2Corinthians 5:1

Thank YOU, Father!!!! Thank You, Father, for your Word!  You told me that You would never leave me nor forsake me.  You told me that You would stick closer to

2Corinthians 6:14

Yoked Being “yoked” is a very strong statement.  To walk with someone is not that strong.  To be connected is not as strong although close.  To be yoked with someone

1Corinthians 13:13

1Corinthians 13:13  +  John 3:16 For God so LOVED that He GAVE!!! It is on this premise that we have the Christmas Holiday. It is not about celebrating a “birthday”.  

2Corinthians 5:17

So Glad I Am Changed!   I am so glad to be in Christ.  I am so glad that God has separated me OUT OF this world and even my

1Timothy 2:5

Three In One   Our Christian faith is very specific!  First, there is one God.  Christianity is a monotheistic religion that has a triune existence to the one God that

Matthew 16:18

Universal vs. Institutional Church What is the church?  I have studied and lived and talked and read and searched to learn and embrace what the church truly is.  It is

Psalm 19:14

Living RIGHTeous! I just want whatever it is that I do or say to be acceptable to God.  I have spent so much of my life trying to please people. 

1Thessalonians 5:26

Pucker Up!   How are we to greet all the brethren with a holy kiss?  Could this be literal?  I don’t think so.  In this day and age there is

Job 1:22

How Do YOU Bounce Back? God does not only check us on how we act, but He also checks us on how we react in life.  Our reacting pertains to

Psalm 100:5

Another Day, God! God is beyond words.  I can’t put into words how God is and how He is in my life.  I can’t say that I understand everything either. 

Acts 3:6

Selling The Greatest Product:  Salvation The power of God is not kept in a bottle so that it can be seen at our leisure.   God’s power is a wonder because

Psalm 34:1

Keep On Striving! I can’t do it and it is so frustrating.  I learn all the time and hear all the time that we should praise the Lord all the

1Corinthians 8:8

Distractions Sometimes we as Christians, believers or church folk get caught up in things that truly don’t make a difference.  First of all, we get caught up in them because

Acts 15:10

God’s Got It! The people of God oftentimes falter in the attempt to bear a burden that God has not meant for us to bear.  Judgment is not a burden

Acts 19:15

I Am Nothing!  I have gone through a lot of trials and tribulations, but I am nothing.  I have achieved a lot of things that have put my name in

Acts 13:46

Reciprocity It rough to love someone and they don’t receive your love and actually throw it back at you as malcontent.  It is really tough to care about someone and

Acts 13:30

Do You Understand? The scripture says “But God raised Him from the dead”.  In church we say this all the time but do we really realize what we are saying. 

Acts 10:34

The Only Judge Growing up in the deep south, you learn at a very early age that all people are not the same.  There are different criteria on which people

Acts 10:25-26

You Ain’t All That! The man of God is not God.  Those 7 words disassemble and discombobulate probably 60% of the Christian ministries in the United States.  I say this

Acts 8:30

It’s In The Book People READ, RECITE and RECOLLECT scripture all of the time, but do they ever understand what the scriptures say?  The most beautiful words ever…are in the

Acts 7:59

Calling On God At the greatest time of suffering and torment, who do you call?  Some call themselves.  They look to the answer that is inside their own intellect or

Acts 5:39

Let Go and Let God! Not only the world but also we as believers need to realize and respect the fact that WHAT GOD HAS DONE cannot be overthrown!!!! You

Acts 4:34-35

God Provides…But Do We? Money is a very sensitive subject in the institutional church. It is a sensitive subject for two reasons.  Firstly, money in the church comes from the

Acts 3:6

Selling The Greatest Product:  Salvation The power of God is not kept in a bottle so that it can be seen at our leisure.   God’s power is a wonder because

Acts 2:38-39

The Real Deal The sermon that embodies the call of the unbeliever to Christ is a simple sermon.  It does not take a lot of pomp and circumstance.  It does

Acts 2:36

What Do YOU Think The biggest problem with the people of God is not belief but perception.  The people of God BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of God. Hwover,

Acts 1:8

His Spirit Abides Oftentimes when people have talked about or taught about the Holy Ghost, they describe or refer to it being basically a “possession”.  There is the perception that

Acts 1:7

An Omniscient and Omnipotent God I am so glad that God knows and I don’t have to know.  I am so glad that God understands and I don’t have to

Romans 16:20

EVENTUALLY… Eventually God will injure the head of the serpent…We need grace to abide with us til then.  Eventually the evil that the world promotes will cease…We need grace to

Romans 14:19

One Way! It is so easy to get caught up in the little things that simply obscure a situation.  What I mean is that it is so easy to complicate

Romans 14:2

No One Is Above The Law No one is above the law.  There is so much that a human being can do in this life.  Through the abilities of the

Romans 14:7

Live Life…Don’t Run Life Mankind has deluded itself since the beginning of time by thinking that it has the power to give or take life.  The biggest problem in this

Romans 13:14

Who’s Running Your Show? That is the primary problem with humanity in the context of trying to live as believers in Jesus, the Christ.  We “make provision” for the flesh. 

Romans 13:11

The Last Days Have you ever just looked around lately at the times that we are in?  Natural disasters, killings, chemical warfare, gangs, diseases, wars and rumors of wars are
