Job 38:4

Don’t Wait! The “Johnnie Come Lately” is not just a literary concept to substantiate a fictitious character.  This is reality.  There are folks who just appear late in a process

Psalm 6:2

Imperfection The strongest person has weaknesses.  The smartest person doesn’t know everything.  The wisest person makes mistakes.  The funniest person gets depressed sometimes.  The happiest person cries sometimes.  The prettiest

Romans 14:2

No One Is Above The Law No one is above the law.  There is so much that a human being can do in this life.  Through the abilities of the

Romans 12:19

Sometimes I Wanna FIGHT! Probably one of the most debated perceptions of the Christian is that they serve and walk in Peace.  The world and other Christians even have the

2Corinthians 8:7

We ALL Fall Down Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming for the believer. The level of expectation is so high that if you think about it you may literally
