Romans 12:10

Can’t We All Just Get Along Those of us who are in the Kingdom of God and are anxiously and actively awaiting the glorious return of Jesus, the Christ, need

Romans 8:35

Together Forever The Love of God is a life-giving, life-affirming and life-purging element that is divinely dispersed to those who believe and confess in our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the

Romans 8:7

Downfall of the Carnal Mind That is a hard saying, but true…THE CARNAL MIND CANNOT OBEY THE LAW OF GOD!  It is such a crazy thing that we can spend

1Corinthians 5:13

You Ain’t Got Time For That! There are so many times in the Bible that the implication that non-believers should be avoided because of their sin being contagious.  Their ways

1Corinthians 1:10

Connected How is it that God’s people are to be perfectly joined together?  There are three same’s to clarify and institute this requirement for the Kingdom of God. The first

2Corinthians 13:11

God WILL!!! If all of Pauline theology had to be summarized in one statement, Paul did it in this scripture.  However, just because it is a shorter statement is not

Psalm 51:6

Being REAL! So much of our lives we focus on trying to LOOK a certain way and to ACT a certain and to be SEEN a certain way.  It is

Genesis 7:5

Falling In Love With Jesus This whole divine relationship thing is tough.  Establishing communication with God is tough enough.  Then there is hearing God’s direction and correction.  Then there is
