Psalm 10:4

Make Your Choice I hate it that people in our society actually believe that you can balance a life between the lust of the flesh and the Kingdom of God.

Psalm 1:3

Requirements There are explicit expectations for being a man who is “in Christ” or “serving God”.  First of all or the leading factor is that he is steadfast, unmoveable and

1Corinthians 8:8

Distractions Sometimes we as Christians, believers or church folk get caught up in things that truly don’t make a difference.  First of all, we get caught up in them because

Romans 11:17

Holiness Holiness is a trait that can be passed and reflected.  This gets at the point in two ways.  If the product of the person is holy then the person

Romans 12:13

What Is A Christian When we think of church, we think of giving and hospitality.  These two are the world’s stereotypical characteristics of the the church.  A lot of times

Romans 8:13

Leave It Alone! To live after the flesh is to allow yourself to follow the whims and actions of the flesh.  To live after the flesh means that another person’s

1Corinthians 1:18

Sanctification In raising my daughters, the power of uniqueness was a core value that in hindsight I believe was foundational to most of the other teachings and guidances that I
