Romans 1:16

I Ain’t Never Scared One would be hesitant or apprehensive to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ, in the world that we live in for various reasons.  Some people

1Corinthians 3:18

All Info Is Not Good…For Us Socrates penned that “ignorance is the beginning of wisdom”.  Paul tools this principle as a way to protect ourselves as believers against the wisdom

1Corinthians 3

There Is Something About The Name Jesus 1Corinthians 3:11 “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand!”  That hymn followed me throughout my childhood either

Psalm 24:7

Let’s Not Get It Twisted! Being a believer means that you have to believe AND confess. Romans 10:9-10 documents this requirement for all those who profess faith in the Bible

Psalm 34:19

He Delivered Me I have so many shortcomings, weaknesses, flaws and errors, but God has delivered me from them all.  I have so many doubts, confusions, misunderstandings and ignorances, but

Psalm 51:6

Being REAL! So much of our lives we focus on trying to LOOK a certain way and to ACT a certain and to be SEEN a certain way.  It is

The Meaning Of Christmas

Text: Isaiah 9:6-7: 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be

Exodus 20:12

Thank God For My Mama! When I turned twelve years old, I was in the kitchen watching my grandmama cook as I always did.  She looked at me and said,

Job 3:17

“THERE” is not “HERE” That is the most consoling piece of information that you can tell any Believer!  There are many ephemeral descriptions of Heaven.  The bible talks of there

It’s A Boy!  –Romans 11:36

Romans 11:36:  It’s A Boy! When I found out about the conception of my son, I was floored.  I was not married.  My youngest daughter was 18.  I was planning

I Think It’s Time

I Think It’s Time   The following is a message that received from the 1st LMA association for Salvation!  This was so touching and so meaningful to get this message. 
