Romans 12:21

Can’t Avoid Evil The reality that the Believer must address, embrace and internalize is that we will never in this world get rid of evil.  There will always be evil. 

Romans 12:20

Revenge Is Sweet Ain’t God good!!!  God knows his creation.  Or, I must say, it may be that He specifically knows ME.  God gives us a way to GET BACK

Romans 12:19

Sometimes I Wanna FIGHT! Probably one of the most debated perceptions of the Christian is that they serve and walk in Peace.  The world and other Christians even have the

Romans 12:18

It’s Bigger Than Just ME! “Our God is an awesome God.  He reigns from Heaven above with wisdom, power and love.  Our God is an awesome God!!!” I have always

Romans 12:17

Is It All A Lie? Always INJEST, DIGEST and EXPRESS Truth!!!!!!  In God it is very simple…LIVE IN AND BY TRUTH!  As simple as that is to say and to

Romans 12:16

No Earthly Good The problem with a lot of Christians is that they are either too LOW or too HIGH to be of any value to other people or to

Romans 12:7

Wait On The Lord! The time is not when we want to but when God ordains. If you don’t know when God ordains then wait on hearing.  If you can’t

Romans 12:6

Gifts Of God We have gifts given to us by God in our creation and development as His children.  We ALL have gifts.  No one has been left out.  The

Romans 12:5

The Organization Is An Organism Our bodies are connected and our bodies are conjoined.  We are linked together and we are built together as one.  We are many pieces and

Romans 12:12

Divine Balance For the Believer It is tough as a believer for the reason that this life in Christ is a roller coaster ride.  We are up some times and

Romans 12:11

We Gotta Give The  life of the believer is not just praise and worship 24/7!  This may surprise some people who think that the life of the believer is all

Romans 12:10

Can’t We All Just Get Along Those of us who are in the Kingdom of God and are anxiously and actively awaiting the glorious return of Jesus, the Christ, need

Romans 12:9

Acting RIGHT!!! The believer needs to be true.  True to who they are and true to who God is.  With this truth as a foundation, there are limitless possibilities to

Romans 12:15

Ministry of Realness Romans 12:15 – “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” It is critical in the ministry of Jesus, the Christ, that we

Romans 12:14

Dem Jokers! Without God, I can’t do it!  Sorry to have to admit it but I can’t!!!  Those folks that play tricks on me, those folks who talk about me

Romans 12:13

What Is A Christian When we think of church, we think of giving and hospitality.  These two are the world’s stereotypical characteristics of the the church.  A lot of times

The Fallacy of JUST ENOUGH

Text: Romans 12:1: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
